Czech translations and website design


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Czech Translations and Internet Consultancy
by Heller Consulting

Zlata Heller, M.I.Inf.Sc., M.I.T.I., D.P.S.I., N.R.P.S.I.

Do you need a Czech translation or a Slovak translation? Certified Czech translation or a Slovak translation of a legal document such as a marriage certificate, divorce certificate, brith certificate, no-impediment cartificate, educational certificate, last will, court judgement, or an affidavit? Are you looking for a Czech interpreter for a business meeting? Or for a UK registered Czech-English court interpreter? We can certainly help in these cases. Click here to learn more.

As a business consultancy located in Wimbledon, South West London (UK), we provide Czech translation services, Internet consultancy, website design and business consultancy services to companies of all sizes.

Czech to English and English to Czech translations and Internet Consultancy services are our core activities. We regularly provide Czech translations and interpreting services to UK Courts of Law, UK and Czech solicitors, the Home Office, the UK Border Agency, the UK Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Service as well as to UK and Czech businesses of all sizes. We have a good record in providing assistance to UK manufacturers in their implementation of Czech Language training programmes for staff of their Czech subsidiaries and in helping UK firms to establish their presence in the Czech Republic.

Zlata Heller, the Principal of Heller Consulting, is a qualified Translator and Interpreter, member of Institute of Translation and Interpreting, holder of Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (Law Option) and registered on the National Register of Public Service Interpreters, i.e. fully qualified and authorised to translate and interpret from English into Czech and vice versa in UK Courts of Law.  Consequently she is also fully qualified to translate official documents from Czech into English and from English into Czech, including marriage certificates, birth certificates, divorce certificates, educational certificates, degree certificates etc. 

Our Czech translation services have helped numerous individuals and companies achieve their objectives, such as obtaining visas for emigration purposes, enrolling at universities both in the UK and in the Czech Republic, registering UK born children of Czech nationals with Czech authorities, registering marriages solemnised in the Czech Republic with UK authorities etc.

With regard to our Internet Consultancy services, our particular strength lies in our ability to apply effectively search engine optimisation techniques and to achieve, consistently, excellent rankings for our clients' web sites. Several of the web sites we have designed hold the top spot in their category on major search engines and our Internet supported translation services are used by clients worldwide. So whether you are looking for a cost effective web site, Internet consultancy or assistance with international communications we can certainly help.

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